Monday, March 17, 2008

Back to work in T-6 hours.

It is currently just past midnight. I have just gotten home from work. I am tired, stressed and not coping well. On top of all this I have to be back to work in roughly six hours, I am starting to wonder why I left in the first place. The lack of a real life is starting to get to me....and with the lack of a real life you tend to have lots of time to look back and think about things.Hind sight is 20/20 and there isn't much that can be done about things past but still they bother me. The stress level in all aspects of my life are at an all time high and again I am not doing the best to cope. Friends are telling me I am doing fine but I beg to differ. The fact I feel either forgotten or stabbed in the back or so sometimes both has to mean something. I am hoping sleep will help my outlook on things but I am not asking for miracles. Tomorrow or rather later today will be has to...

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