Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10 Things I Learned On Vacation

1) A bikini top with a plastic fastener is NEVER suitable attire for water sports of any kind
- This one is pretty self explanatory. I was in the water snorkeling, a larger than normal wave cart wheeled me, the plastic clip on my bikini top was gone and the people on the beach got a free show. I luckily was able to get my cover up and walk back to change without calling too much attention to myself. I will be going to every sewing store in the valley and buying as many metal clips as I can find and "upgrade" any of my bikini's as required.

2) Next year I will be bringing Diet Pepsi with me!
-Barbados has a bottling contract with Coke so they buy the locally bottled Coke products and don't import many Pepsi products. I was lucky enough to find 4 small bottles once during my stay. Next year I WILL plan ahead!

3) Sunglasses....wear them enough said
-I think I actually burned my eyes the one day I forgot my sunglasses I will NEVER do that again.

4) If you make one pile of luggage for five people and one for a baby or young child (age 0-7 years) they will be roughly the same size.
- 3 of the 4 suitcases and both of the carry on bags we had were crammed full of my daughters things. All of that was in addition to the blanket and "Snorkles" (the Webkinz pig) she had a death grip on to make sure they got on the plane with her. Should running frantically from one gate to another with 4 carry on bags, and a 5 year old with a blanket and a stuffed pig become an Olympic event I will win the gold medal for sure.

5) Money doesn't grow on trees but apparently rum does....
-The pictures below were taken of a random rum bottle strapped to a tree. Apparently this is the new "norm" for several beach bars on the island.

6) The makers of sunscreen are evil and want you to burn.
-My "waterproof" sunscreen apparently wasn't waterproof. I had a very interesting splotchy burn, so I purchased another "sport" brand which also claimed to be waterproof and a higher spf....I turned a lovely shade of Carmine. I eventually smartened up and went with an old trusted stand by that I knew was waterproof and actually HAD some form of sunscreen in it.

7)Golf carts are dangerous implements of death.
- There should be a written test, followed by an intensive driving test prior to being allowed to operate one of these contraptions. This should be followed by a safety briefing and making sure each cart is equipped with fire extinguishers, life vests and parachutes.

8)The terms "ugly", "fat" and "old" have no meaning on the beach.
- This one explains itself....go south...get a beach chair...observe...enjoy :P

9)Never again will I buy black or red luggage.
-After spending more time than I should have at the baggage collection area and picking up a million bags that weren't mine I have made the executive decision that I will never again buy black or red luggage. Perhaps bright sparkly pink or purple would be appropriate choices....or maybe a set with large polka dots or stripes. The more hideous and bright it is the better.

10) Tropical shrieking birds are creepy.
- I am not a big fan of birds at the best of times but when a group of wild parrots starts shrieking and swooping it creeps me out. They are shrieky and annoying and are best kept FAR away from me.

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