Sunday, January 29, 2012

More of the Same....

Today was very quiet on the unit. It was strange. The pediatric resident showed up as did the resident from ENT to make sure there were no problems with Ben's new NG tube. The nurse came in from time to time but over all it was rather quiet.

My parents were down for a visit, which broke up the day for me a bit. Believe it or not I also did laundry. There are washers and dryers on the unit, and Ben needed some things doing very badly, so I broke down and did laundry. It was nice to do something normal...even if it was laundry.

I am sure the quiet will be broken tomorrow. The parade of people will continue and there will be confusion around what Ben is having done when, where and by whom.

Fingers crossed there won't be any Monday Madness for us tomorrow.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

hehe, I know how much u like doing laundry