Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm never sleeping again...

or at least not until we are home! I really did not like how last night went. Honestly I feel like I have to be awake all the time and "police" what the nurses are doing. This is the first really concerning episode since our admission last week to the PMU unit. The nurse we had was fine she just did what she felt like when she felt like doing it and it really ticked me off....One of these times I will say something to get myself kicked off the unit but Ben cannot speak for himself so I am going to!

First off this nurse was kind enough to offer to do Ben's NG feeds for me...which would have been fine except she mixed up much larger volumes of his food than needed and pumped in what she felt like he should get and not bother with what had been decided with the dietitians and paediatricians. Minor so I just told her "You know what I will just sleep between feeds, it will be fine. I will do it." Well Ben wouldn't settle after she had flushed his NG tube so she "thought" perhaps he felt warm, so maybe he had a fever and she would give Tylenol to settle him.

I made it clear that he was ONLY to get the Tylenol if he had a fever. He did not but she gave it anyway even though I asked her not to. He was not in pain, he had no fever and he settled with in a few seconds of my picking him up. I let it go. Murdering a nurse at 2 am would not have won me many friends.

This morning it was discovered that Ben had dislodged his feeding tube. ENT had to be called and over the course of an hour a room full of doctors and nurses finally got it reinserted.

Unfortunately placement was questioned. The resident wanted to pull the tube out and try again. I wouldn't allow it. Instead we went and had an X-Ray to check the NG tube placement. While exposing him to radiation isn't a good idea either I just couldn't subject him to having one NG pulled out to have it put back in and have an X-Ray after that anyway. The NG is in the right spot so all was okay.

It seems like everyday in here is a test.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Sounds like u had another long day. I think u need a security guard