Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Okay maybe not the worst day EVER but it is the worst day THIS week! Lets review shall we??

Needed to switch a day so I can head to Cape Breton for a wedding. NO one would switch...ended up taking a day off...I feel guilty but hey now it isn't my problem anymore.
Spilled coffee everywhere...All over my desk, all over me and all over my papers.
No break...yup that's right not a break. I ate a sandwich at my desk at 1430 while continuing to work. Are we sure today wasn't Monday??
Went to get money from the ATM at work...it's down...again...I was too tired to stop and get money...I will have to do that later *sigh
Lastly but MOST IMPORTANT. I still don't have my dress for the wedding Saturday!!!! Soooo anyone know where I can get a pretty (yellow) formal dress by Saturday...Can you say STRESS????
Deep breaths...I can make it right???

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