Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am so not impressed!!!!

I was just checking my bank account and noticed that my account is about 200 bucks lower than what it should be. Totally perplexed I decided to go over ALL my bank account activity with a fine tooth comb. As it would turn out I noticed a double transaction on my account for yesterday. The idiots at Nova Scotia Student Loans took out my loan payment TWICE!!!! I am so flipping mad!!!!! I tried the 1-800 number but was instructed to call back during business hours!!! To top it off the extra 200 was NOT credited to my loan so can someone please tell me exactly WHERE my money has gone???? I am going to be on the phone as soon as "business hours" start and get this mess sorted out. How much do you want to bet I will get someone who won't speak English and/or won't be able to understand my East coast accent???? Why do I feel a RAS coming on???

1 comment:

Jane B said...

you dont have very good luck do you?