Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thank you for random acts of kindness

I would like to thank all the random acts of kindness from my friends and also the random strangers that went out of their way to make me smile for no reason what so ever.

Thank you to:

-The military gentleman who bought my coffee for me this morning. (No clue who you were but thank you )

-The volunteer who delivered me a newspaper at work.

-Kelly for the great phone conversations ALL day at work today ( Medical and TCU are lucky to have you!!)

-Shannon for rescuing me from being overwhelmed, listening to me rant and bringing me pizza.

-The sender of the flowers that were delivered today at work. (who ever you are, I LOVED THEM)

-For anyone else whom I may have forgotten it is not intentional and thank you too!

Lets hope there are more random acts of kindness tomorrow and not random acts of stupidity!!!!

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