Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Weekend

Last weekend I had 3 days off. The weather was wonderful, sunny and anywhere from 15-20 degrees!!! Victoria and I went to Boston Pizza Friday night, Saturday we went rollerblading and had a tea party, and Sunday we went out to visit my Gram.
Here are some pics from the weekend.

Victoria ready to go!

Asking yet again WHEN I am going to be ready to go!

Me trying to smile for Victoria

Me wondering what the best way to take my digital camera back from a five year old on rollerskates would be when I too am wearing rollerbaldes...hmmmm

Victoria took this picture at her tea party....I even got to wear a tiara lol!!! Ignore the weird expression on my face I am trying to hold onto Victoria who was standing on the coffee table to take this.


Anonymous said...

I was at BP on Friday night for supper.....we sat right by the maitre de stand....

~Erin said...

I thought I saw you there!!!