Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I hate wallpaper

As per a previous post I am doing some renovations to Victoria's room. I have been trying to remove wallpaper from the wall since Sunday. Keep in mind this wall paper was NOT on all the walls. It was only on one wall, and around the door. This stuff is pure EVIL. You can't soak the wall paper with fabric softener as the outer layer acts as a moister barrier. This means that the removal of the wallpaper is complex and can only be done when you rip off the outer layer of the wall paper off first. Next you have to mix up fabric softener with water and soak the reaming backing with the solution. Then once it is really really wet you have to use a paint scraper to scrape the remaining backing of the wall. Keep in mind that you are removing pieces of backing the size of polly pocket clothing. I swear this task would test the patients of a saint.
I am getting really frustrated.

If anyone EVER suggests putting wall paper on any wall in my home again I will physically harm them lol. If I EVER suggest putting wall paper on my walls again remind me how much I hate smelling like fabric softener.

I need a vacation...anyone want to come with me????


Anonymous said...

I do babe

Anonymous said...

Since you are so good at getting wallpaper down why don't you come help me take down the stuff in my kitchen?? Rick and I would love you for it :P