Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Quiet Saturday

Today was a rainy cool day. Victoria is finally starting to feel better and I am on my way to feeling better as well. Stupid flu. Anyways here is what we were up to:

-I read to Victoria for a good portion of the morning, her favorite was "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" (I read it to her 100 times at LEAST, and that was just today.)

-Victoria and I made paper flowers.

-Victoria taught me how to draw a hamster..She assured me I will get better at it over time....I am still not sure why I will ever want or need to draw a hamster but hey now I know.

-We watched "Surfs up" again (*sigh I think I know the entire movie from memory now )

-After she went to bed I watched "Sicko" and "Blades of Glory". I enjoyed both but for very different reasons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nora loves that book too.