Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We are still alive....kind of....

Please forgive me for being a bad blogger as of late. Life has been...complicated...for lack of a better word.

Ben has been recovering from his last surgery. While this should have been a much more straight forward recovery it really wasn't. Due to the fact the hardware on the left side of Ben's face was so difficult to remove, his pain control post op left a lot to be desired. He decided he didn't want to feed and things got thrown into a bit of a tail spin. The strong antibiotics were making him feel sick. His reflux medications didn't seem to help. He was placed back on morphine to control his pain and we ended up having to syringe feed to top up his feeds. Luckily all turned out okay and slowly over the past few weeks he has been weaned off the morphine, his antibiotics have stopped and his feeds have gone back to normal. We only had a couple trips to the city to be rechecked but over all things went fairly well.

Victoria has been sick. High fever, sore throat, body aches...the whole package really. She missed over a week of school. You know she isn't feeling well when she doesn't want to go to dance and unfortunately she was like that for a solid week. On a happier note her school choir sang at the Wolfville music festival and won Gold!!! She was very excited. Dance is winding down for another year and everyone is getting ready for the June recital. The costumes are beautiful and the photo shoots are coming up over the next few weeks.

Harry has had a double ear infection and a really sore throat. He has been on antibiotics as well and is finally getting back to his normal happy self.

Needless to say life has been busy, and to top it off I have been without a laptop for weeks. Now that my new work netbook has arrived things should be kept up to date a bit better.

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