Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Here we go again....

Ben started feeling unwell on Sunday; fever, tired, cranky, and he isn't eating.. I thought perhaps he had picked up a virus somewhere in our many travels. Due to the fact Ben needs to be followed every few days by one doctor or another, we are ALWAYS in a hospital or doctors office around loads of sick people. However I was told that I needed to watch him closely for fever where he has had more surgery within the last month. When Ben's fever lasted more than 24 hours I called his local pediatric specialist.

This morning she reassessed Ben and found a small lump in his jaw along with his unusual fever. So a call by her to the IWK, a discussion with ENT and then Plastics resulted in the decision for us to be seen in clinic. Before I made it home to make arrangement's for Harrison to be looked after the peds office called. Apparently the IWK called her back and explained Ben would need monitoring and some tests and we may be admitted and to go prepared. The surgeons saw us pretty much right away. To be honest it was the first time I have waited less than 5 minutes! The decision was clear. Something is going on and it needs to be sorted sooner rather than later. Unfortunately as of right now no one seems to know what that may be!

While the incisions look fairly good there is still the concern of an underlying bone infection. So far Ben has had another MRI and a series of  Xrays. Blood work will be done sometime after his medications wear off  at midnight and again in the morning. Poor Ben is just so miserable!

Right now I don't know much. No one is saying much either. I just hope that we can go home soon!

The monitors are back and I can't say I am enjoying it. Hopefully tomorrow will bring good news and we can go home. Fingers crossed....

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