Sunday, May 20, 2012

Starting To Feel Like The Wold`s Largest YoYo

      Now I know how a YoYo feels. This has been one of the most frustrating experiences!!!

We were discharged late Tuesday. I had met with the continuing care nurse, had a bag of supplies to take home and had enough of Ben`s medication for 2 weeks. It was my understanding that home care was to arrive between 2000 and 2100 to give his medication.

Tuesday night NO one showed up!!! I waited until 2200 and called the only number I had for home care. It was a useless number that was only answered from 0800-1600 each day. I eventually had to give in and wake the other kids up and leave them at my mum`s. We went to Valley Regional where the story only got worse. The nurses were unable to flush the PICC line and were also unable to get blood return. After many failed attempts a peripheral IV was started and Ben finally got his medications. I was instructed to call home care to see if they could come give Ben`s next dose of medication. I tried all morning with no luck. By noon I decided to head back to Valley Regional so his next medications could be given. Before I left I called Lynne in Dr. Hong`s office to explain our situation. During the 5 hour wait at Valley I heard back from Lynne and it turned out Dr. Hong wanted us readmitted. The nurses at Valley were unable to give his medication, somehow pulled out the one IV he had and were unable to start another.

Once arriving at the IWK the nurse tried the PICC Line and it worked PERFECTLY!!!!!! Flushed easily AND had great blood return. We were discharged again Thursday. This time Home Care was to show up. Which they did however once again the PICC line would not get blood return. After over an hour of trying and several phone calls to the IWK the home care nurse gave up. I made arrangements for Harrison and Victoria then took Ben back to Valley. They did not want to see him and thought we should go right to the IWK. Which I did. We were once again readmitted through the Emergency department and Dr Bezuhly would be following Ben.

So here we are again. The PICC functioning to give the medications and still where it was according to an X-Ray. VRH and home care won`t take him without blood return, however the doctors don`t want to mess with the PICC or try a new one as that is something poor little Ben does not need right now. So we are here...for how long we don`t know. Over the weekend for sure and probably the holiday.

I just want to go home :(

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