Monday, January 20, 2014

Lloyd's Service Station

Recently we have undertaken the monumental task of cleaning out my Grandparents house. It has been over a year since my Grandmother fell and broke her hip. She was unable to go back to the house and is now in Wolfville nursing home. She has adjusted well, better than expected to be honest. However the decision had to be made recently as to what to do about her house in Berwick.

While the house was listed for sale for quite a while, it did not sell. The decision was made to rent it out. However the result was that we had to start cleaning out her home. Above is one of the many pictures we uncovered while cleaning. It is my Grandfathers service station in Berwick. The car parked out front was his car (which if you can make out the hand written note on the picture I am sure you already worked out) and if you look very closely you can see my Grandfather on the ladder in the picture. 

I am not sure if my aunt or my mother will end up with the picture but I have been promised a restored copy. I absolutely love this picture. He told me so many stories about this place when I was growing up but this is the first picture I have actually seen. 

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