Sunday, December 30, 2012


I am just tired. Benjamin continues to cough and wheeze. His ears are once again bothering him. One is even leaking and draining a bit. The only thing that seems to make him happy is to be held and walked. I am terrified this will not clear in time for his surgeries.

The pile of things to be done going into the surgeries is mounting too. There are no less than half a dozen appointments. The Christmas stuff needs to be packed and put away. Arrangements for the other kiddos need to be made. The other kids need to be packed up. The house needs to be cleaned up and of course I have to get Benny Bean and I ready to go. I have to call and finalize the preadmission clinics and confirm our room at Ronald MacDonald house.

22 days...I cannot believe that is all we have left until surgery. Come on little dude shake this dang cold!

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