Thursday, March 1, 2012


Well we have been home just over a week and life is slowly returning to "normal". I use the term loosely as I don't think things will be truly normal for a while yet.

Ben has been seen by both his pediatrician in the valley and his family doctor. Due to our prolonged hospital stay Ben missed his scheduled RSV needle as well as his first immunizations. This meant that the poor little guy had 3 needles at once when he saw the family doctor this week. This made him a bit of a grumpy Guss...I can't say I blame him really.

Ben has done well on the weight front and has put on just shy of 300g since discharge! Woohoo!! Can you tell we are working hard to keep the NG tube out?

Ashley is getting ready to return to the UK to go back to work. While I know this is a necessary evil, I am NOT looking forward to it in the least.

Harrison is still teething. He is working at getting all of his molars at once. He isn't a happy boy needless to say. The poor little guy has also caught some sort of virus. Fever, sore throat, doesn't want to sleep or eat and has a slight rash. I think there is some new rule that someone must be sick or unwell in my house at all times.

Lets hope Harry throws this quickly and my boys are a bit happier ASAP!

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