Friday, December 5, 2008

What Would You Do??

Really there isn't much of anything I can do other than vent. I am super ticked off!!! As you all know I bought a car about two months ago. My father and a guy we know who works at our local garage checked the car out, including the tires, top to bottom before I bought it. I needed to get new snow tires for the car. Obviously the car tires weren't the same size as the snow tires I had for the van. In October Dad wasn't able to get me four snow tires at all, the place we deal with didn't have them. ( I should note we ALWAYS go to this place because dad works for Michelin and this place takes the coupons he gets from work). He was able to get me two but that was it. We had snow a few weeks ago and I still didn't have all 4 tires. Dad decided that he was going to call and try to get me the other two tires and if he couldn't get them we would leave 2 of the all seasons on and put on the 2 snow tires we had. Not a good idea but better than nothing. Dad went out and checked the tire size before he called to see if the tire place had my brand and size in stock yet. Dad noticed that no two tires on my car were the same AND they were bald and cracking!!!! I was miffed but thought maybe it wasn't as bad as he was trying to make it out to be. I mean he works for a tire plant, in safety no less, so that is his business. What isn't safe in his opinion may not even to be noticeable to anyone else. BUT when we took my car in to have the snow tires on the old tires were worse than even dad thought. Luckily the guy who had checked the car prior to my buying the car was working and said there was NO WAY the tires could have the tread worn down that much in less than two months. Especially given we know the exact amount of Kilometers I have put on the car since I bought it! I am so mad!! I am so lucky I didn't have an accident and kill myself or someone else!! I am VERY pleased to say I have 4 excellent tires on the car now. *SIGH* That's my vent for the week lol :P

1 comment:

Dan said...

Where did you buy the car at? I want to avoid that place in the future - sounds like they changed tires on you before you bought it....