Monday, August 25, 2008


This past weekend was a girls weekend. I have some little "mysteries"

-Where did the white sand on my black shoes come from?

-How did I get a burn on my left arm?

-Where did my camera end up?

-Where did my earings and necklace end up?

-How did we get home from the bar?

Pictures are to follow...if you can help with any of the above points that would be great!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this is a little late but

1) The sand came from when you were in the smoking area outside at legends...I think

2)Burn also from the smoking area at legends

3)Shannon hid your camera so you wouldn't break/lose it.

4)You didn't wear them to the bar...they too were left at shannon's.

5)Nicky drove us home

LOl girl drunk Erin is too much fun :P