Thursday, January 3, 2013

Perhaps I should place a self imposed Google Ban

Google is not my friend. Let me explain.

Yesterday I spent a very long time on the phone to the IWK trying to arrange all the preoperative appointments Benny Bean needs to have. This long string of phone calls really put me on edge.

It is hard to explain but when someone reinforces statistics as to why your child will find an upcoming procedure difficult you tend to dwell on it. It is all in the spin I suppose. I mean if they were more a bit more "Breathing problems in children with Pierre Robin are more common after palate surgery, but the incidence is still very low. I am sure it will be fine but we will do X,Y and Z to minimize any risk of something happening."  I think I would have became less anxious. Instead the conversation was more "It is very important you have Ben see the anesthesiologist again before surgery to determine his readiness for surgery. You do realize that even though he airway has been corrected he is at a higher risk than the general population for complications?!"

Yes as a matter a fact I do know this. However the way you said it is now making me panic a bit about it. Then introduce Google. I found some great research articles, but all confirmed increased complications in syndrome kids. Top of the list...Pierre Robin! It doesn't help to know he will be having several other procedures at the same time. To compound insult to injury the "lovely" woman who called me proceeded to tell me "While you will be admitted for 3-10 days be prepared for the next 3 weeks to be very bumpy and unpleasant." Why thank you! That makes me feel SOOOOOOO much better. Seriously, some people just need to learn to speak to other people.

Will he be okay? YES. Will I lose my sanity before all this is over? More than likely. Only 17 more days until preadmission and 18 days until surgery. I cannot wait for this to be over.

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