Today was our follow up appointment with Ben's ENT surgeon; Dr. Hong.
Over all he made out well. The doctor seemed pleased with how things were going and this means we are able to move on with round two of surgery.
This time we will be removing the external and internal hardware. Not as big of a deal and it should ( I can't stress the SHOULD quite enough) only be a few day admission this time.
Our pre-operative work up is Tuesday April 10th. This will take, from what I am told, most of the afternoon.
We are to be back to the day surgery/same day surgery area the following morning for 7:30am!! I am going to try and stay at Ronald MacDonald house, to avoid filling the van with fuel twice!
I have to admit I have very mixed emotions about surgery this time. I mean on the one hand I want the metal work out! On the other hand last time Ben ended up with a ridiculous amount of post operative pain that had to be controlled by morphine AND he ended up with a very nasty post operative infection that required 6 days of IV antibiotics followed but almost 3 weeks of oral antibiotics. I would really like to avoid BOTH this time around. Not to mention I went more than a little stir crazy in that hospital last time.
Now we just sit back and wait....T-33 days until surgery round two...
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