We are one day away from the big surgery.
Today was all about getting ready. Scheduling the feeds to stop, starting IV's and blood work.
Ben's weight was up again, to 4.375kg. They also took his height for only the second time since admission. He has grown a lot and is up to 57.5 cm.
The IV looks worse than it is. Ben's arm is boarded to keep it in the right spot but makes it impossible to lay him down and keep him comfortable. The actual IV for hydration will begin through the night but at least that is one trauma over.
I went for the tour of the PICU today. At least it seems a bit quieter than the NICU. We aren't sure how long Ben will be in ICU for but we know at least a few days. As much as I don't care where in the PICU we go I am secretly hoping for the spot by the one and only window. I think it would make being in there far more bearable. I was shown where his ventilator will go along with what all the other monitors are and where his IV pumps will be placed. I was reminded he will be medically paralyzed to keep everything in place and to be prepared to find a very pale, and roughed up looking little boy tomorrow. The OR is booked from 10am to 3pm but I have already been warned it may take longer. I was given a pamphlet on the PICU rules and all the ins and outs. I was also given a parent journal to use, in it was already written the charge nurse's name that will be on tomorrow and the doctor that will be responsible for Ben in the PICU.
We are down to one day. I can't believe it is this close. The waiting is insanely hard. Part of me wants to tell them to just forget it and the other part just wants them to get it over with now. I can't quite wrap my head around just how much this is going to change Ben's life, and ours too for that matter.
1 more day....just 1 more LONG day...
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