Last night we had a set back. Nothing major...HOWEVER...a certain nurse best steer clear tonight or my husband will be even less kind to her than I was.
Ashley and I have now been moved to a parent room inside the NICU and Ben is allowed to room in with us most of the time. Last evening we left Ben for a few hours to go get some food and clear our heads a bit. Once we returned I left Ben down there for a bit, visited with some family that had come to see us and got things ready for his next feed. When I returned to collect Ben I was informed he had a "chocking" episode and that he was very filled up and working very hard. Apparently things were bad enough that Ben's nurse put him back on the monitors. Since things looked fine I was allowed to take him back to our room. He sounded very nasal and just nor himself. I just watched for a few hours and there was no change. I tried to wake and feed him but he screamed every time I tried to give him a bottle. I was very concerned something was up and boy was there ever something else up.
Apparently Ben's nurse had gone to break and another nurse was "covering" and ended up attempting to feed him. Well this woman is clearly a runaway idiot from a near by village. She did not read the notes in the chart or if she did she certainly didn't understand them, she didn't ask questions nor did she contact me. She tried to cover her tracks by saying she called our room to discuss Ben with me but I pointed out that our cell number was on the front of the chart and that should have been called. This IDIOT decided to try and feed him in a completely wrong position AND was SQUEEZING his bottle when she doesn't need to!!! The combination resulted in poor little Ben being overwhelmed with milk and chocking to the point he vomited. Due to his cleft this was a very traumatic event and no doubt caused him considerable pain not to mention how hare he was having to work afterwords to breathe! I was livid when I found out. She was nasty when I suggested that perhaps she did not use the bottle correctly and/or position Ben correctly. She assured me that her "36 years in the NICU" made her far more knowledgeable about how to care for a Pierre Robin baby. She also said there was no way he could be feeding as well as I was recording for the chart and was only doing so to go home faster!!!! I wasn't very nice to her from that point on!!
For the rest of the night I left Ben in the NICU but made sure they called for every feed and diaper change. I wasn't letting anyone near him without being there myself to make sure things went well. Poor little guy was scared to take the next few feeds but by 7 this morning he started taking his bottle again. Due to all this he lost some weight which will no doubt delay getting a date for discharge.
This morning at rounds our doctor wasn't impressed by the actions and basically made it known that "mom knows best" that I had no problems feeding him and that he was better off rooming in than in the nursery. So Ben is here with us and happy....well as happy as one cane be in a NICU.
My husband wants me to show him which nurse caused this issue. I have no problem with him dealing with her. For her sake she better hope she isn't on again until after we go home because given what happened...it won't be pretty.
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