I awoke to my DD (darling daughter for those of you not from bbc) jumping on me wondering why there wasn't breakfast and why I didn't wake her up for school. Apparently I managed to change every clock in the house to the "new" time (stupid time change) except the one by my bed. Having said this instead of the 6:30am my clock was telling me it was it was in fact 7:30am!!! Not the start I was desperately wanting to my supposedly "good" Monday. I attempted to wash my face however DD was whining that the bus was in the subdivision. I made her a very quick breakfast that she was not at all impressed with, and when she was done I sent her to get dressed and ready for school while I made her lunch. I figured since she is almost 7 this would be okay. Obviously my brain was not functioning properly and failed to see that this was not a wise move. I attempted to make her lunch however realized that I had NOTHING in the house. I ended up working on my days off so my plan for today was grocery shopping. I managed to find enough things to make her a sandwich...that could be an entire post in and of itself!...and threw in some snack items and figured it would have to do for today. I went to find Victoria to pack her in the car and take her to school...that is when I had a heart attack! Victoria had found the temporary hair streaking kit (which I thought I had hid after the episode back in September of last year.) and proceeded to dye her hair BRIGHT BLUE. It was EVERYWHERE!!! Her floor, her walls, her shirt and yes some of it made it onto her hair. I tried to keep myself from panicking and kept telling myself that "It is washable....It WILL come out." I managed to get the blue successfully off of the walls and the floor...then realizing that the blue was probably not going to come out of Victoria's beautiful blond hair I attempted to even out the streaks a little. I then washed her hair 4 times. It was still pretty blue but at least a more washed out blue. (Please scroll down for pictures of the "after" shots.)
We eventually did make it to her school....the amazing part?? She was only 10 minutes late. I was amazed too!!!
I don't think there is enough coffee to make this day better...
OH MY GOD you guys kill me!!! I swear I live for your hillarious posts!! Welcome back Princess!
Gee Bud, 1 of those starts. ur coffee should be next 2 ur bed, mmmmmmmm coffee. omg, 1st pink now blue, what's next? Red, green, yellow. omg, i got 2 stop. too many ideas V. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Stupid time change
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