Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Harrison Jack has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Who would like to teach me to count???

Okay I am obviously missing something. I am starting to think I fell asleep back in preschool when they taught us to count to ten. 2 weeks ago I put out the following on garbage day for collection:
- 1 clear bag of garbage
4 blue bags of bottles and cans and plastic
2 blue bags of paper and cardboard
and the green monster (also known as the compost bin)
I came home to find a tag on 3 bags of recycling saying I was over my 8 bag limit. Uhm...wait 4+1+2=7 and if I'm not mistaken isn't
7 less than 8???? My cousin lives in town and her limit is 5 bags total. I called Valley Waste Resource Management and for my area it is a total of 8 bags. This week I put out the following for collection:
1 clear bag of garbage
5 bags of glass/bottles, cans and plastic
1 bag of paper/cardboard
and the compost bin (aka the green monster)
AND.......everything was taken!!! I am so can 7 put me over my limit one week but be acceptable 2 weeks later???
I swear you need a degree in waste management to sort and take out our garbage in this county!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Family Update
Now you may be asking yourself how having a shower is stupid? Well for ME it is stupid to shower when no one else is home. I somehow managed to slip, fall and land OUTSIDE of the shower. That set everything into motion. I had a prenatal appointment that day and called the doctor office to tell them what happened. They told me to come right in. Event though I was have contractions pretty regularly the doctor assured me she thought all was okay and just to go to Labour and Delivery for a monitor strip as a precaution. Well that didn't turn out so well. I was starting to dilate and efface (which had been a change from when I was at my obstetrician earlier in the week). The doctor on call had done a fetal fibronectin test which came back positive. The monitor showed regular contractions and a follow up check showed I had dilated a cm in 45 minutes. I was put in an ambulance and sent to the women and children's hospital in the city. I spent 2 weeks there going between the birth unit and the prenatal special care unit. I was on total bed rest and was given drugs to stop the contractions. I was finally allowed to come home on more rest but still it was home.
I have finally gotten Internet up here that works at a NORMAL speed and not that of a snail stuck in tar. Hopefully that will help me stay motivated to keep this blog up to date.
So now we are here...waiting and just trying to make it to 37 weeks so we are considered term. That will be Thursday....1 more full day and 11.5 hours....Not that I am counting.