Mornings are chaos. Today was no exception and being a Monday it was, NO exception. The day started something like this:
6:00 am --> Alarm goes off....I hit snooze and hope Monday will go away
6:10am--> Alarm goes off again....guess it isn't going away and figure I better get up.
6:12am --> Check the pellet stove and realize it probably should be turned off so it can be cleaned...I however am far to cold to entertain this idea so I throw some more pellets in the hopper and head for a shower.
6:15am --> I get in the shower only to discover that I have not replaced the shampoo and conditioner bottles I emptied yesterday...GRRRR....I use baby shampoo and hope no one notices.
6:28am--> I can't get the tap to turn matter how much I try the water just keeps flowing. GREAT!
6:45am --> I have FINALLY located a wrench and get the water turned off....and am left feeling like I would like another shower but realize there isn't time. I start cleaning the bathroom (This is a chore that should be illegal at that hour of the morning) and throw on scrubs. (Thank goodness picking scrubs that match doesn't take too much mental effort) I sit on the floor and dry my hair in front of the pellet stove.
7:00am --> I make the first attempt at waking up the sleeping princess.
7:05am--> I make the second attempt at getting the sleeping princess from her bed...she is not amused
7:10am--> I get the "awwww cereal again mom" *sigh Thankfully she eats it and lets me fill out the lunch program form from the week.
7:12am--> I realize that I have next to no change in my purse and paying for the milk order and lunch for 2 days will eat up all my change. Oh good...who needed coffee anyway!
7:15am--> A large crash comes from the kitchen followed by a "mom I am going to go brush my teeth"....hmmmm could something be amiss in my kitchen.
7:16am-->I step in cold oatmeal that has fallen on the floor from the plastic dish that came crashing to the floor. Cold oatmeal feels really gross....especially through a sock....EWWW. On the plus side at least nothing was broken in the crash.
7:25am--> I have clean socks and attempt to do my hair...I have the curling iron out and half the ends of my hair flipped the way I like when my daughter walks in still in her pjs!!!! I ask her to please get dressed the bus will be here in less than 10 minutes. She cooperates....I cannot get my hair to cooperate and I start to wonder if letting a five year old pick out her school clothes was a mistake.
7:31am--> Victoria is finally dressed. Pink camo pants, a sparkly pink tshirt and pink socks...she matches and looks cute...I am happy. I try to get my daughters hair in a pony tail. She keeps telling me it isn't in straight. I tell her it will have to do.
7:33am--> The bus enters the subdivision. I panic as we are not yet ready. I throw a juice box, and snacks in a lunch box (she is ordering lunch today) and manage to find her homework book and cram it all in her backpack. I notice my daughter has gone MIA. I still don't have make up on and have to leave for work as soon as she is on the bus...this is going to get interesting.
7:34am-->Victoria reappears wearing her princess tiara. I don't have time to argue and let her wear it. I make a frantic dash back to the bathroom to make sure I unplugged the curling iron...I did but don't remember doing it. We get in our outside clothes...I grab my keys and work bag. We finally leave the house.
7:36am--> I can see the bus coming up the road. I throw my stuff beside the van, grab Victoria's hand and RUN!!!!
7:37am--> WE MADE IT!!!! Victoria is getting on the bus and waving good bye. I start my jog back to the van to complete my morning.
7:47am--> I am in the Tim Horton's drive through. The line is insanely long. I get my emergency make up kit out of the glove box (don't judge me) and apply my make up (while stopped in line) waiting to order my coffee. They mess up and try to give me a large when I ordered and extra large. I didn't bother to argue though I should have and normally would have. I pay with change on the dash since my purse is empty of all currency.
7:53am-->There is a traffic jam at one of the toll gates to the parking lot....I manage to back up and pull into a lot further down. Great I m going to have to run.
7:56am--> I have parked and make an attempt to juggle my coffee, 2 work bags, my purse and id tag....I try to jog to the hospital without spilling my coffee or the contents of ANY of the bags I am carrying.
7:58am--> I am at work and on time...barely ...I think this should qualify for an Olympic sport LOL.
I can't believe it is only Monday!!!